Examine legal data to determine advisability of defending or prosecuting lawsuit. Prepare, draft, and review legal documents, such as wills, deeds, patent applications, mortgages, leases, and contracts. Study Constitution, statutes, decisions, regulations, and ordinances of quasi-judicial bodies to det...
North Carolina (NC) $133,130 Michigan (MI) $121,760 Other relevant sections for your trial lawyer resume Apart from the standard trial lawyer resume sections listed in this guide, you have the opportunity to get creative with building your profile. Select additional resume sections that you dee...
The decretal Ex litteris (X.1.4.2) is the starting point of the present research. Issued by Innocent III (1198), it fits into the flow of a series of decretals addressed to Denmark and Sweden in the 12th and 13th centuries and concerning cases of last wills, donations and pious beques...