In physics, a vector is a quantity with a magnitude and a direction. This lesson will explore the ways in which vector quantities are used and it...
This lesson defines what a vector is in math and geometry. This lesson will also cover vector operations with examples.
Describe what is meant by scalar and vector quantities, giving examples, Distance as an example of a scalar quantity and displacement as an example of a vector quantity, Describe how a vector quantity can be represented by an arrow, examples and step b
A vector quantity has two characteristics, magnitude, and direction, such that both the quantities are compared while comparing two vector quantities of the same type. Any vector, in a two-dimensional coordinate system, can be broken into x-component, and y-component. In the figure given below...
request otp on voice call login to view results name * email id * grade * city * view result physics related links vector quantity examples what is a dipole what is lenz law invention and inventors name zener diode circuit types of fluid flow bio savarts law angular velocity tensile stress...
View Solution What are scalar and vector quantities. Give five example of each. Example the concept of parallel vector, opposite vector , antiparallel vector, negative vector, and collinear vector. View Solution Define scalar and vector with two examples each. ...
A series of free GCSE/IGCSE Physics Notes and Lessons. Speed Describe the difference between distance and displacement. What is meant by speed. How to calculate speed? How to calculate distance travelled? Velocity Describe what is meant by velocity? Explain why velocity is a vector quantity. ...
Ans. Displacement is a vector quantity. This means that it has direction and magnitude and is represented as an arro...Read full At which point, the displacement of an object is zero? Ans. When the endpoint and the first point of the object are the same then the displacement is called ...
Why is Kinetic Energy a Scalar Quantity? The reason why kinetic energy is a scalar quantity is because it is defined as the energy of an object due to its motion. The motion of an object can be described by its velocity, which is a vector quantity. However, the kinetic energy of an ...
Also, speed is a quantity that has magnitude but no direction. This is the basic difference between speed and velocity. Vector Notation As we know already, a vector has both magnitude and direction. In the above figure, the length of the line AB is the magnitude and head of the arrow po...