circular chamber—the first examples of the rectangular plan form in building. Still later the circular form was dropped in favor of the rectangle asdwellingswere divided into more rooms and more dwellings were placed together in settlements. The tholoi marked an important step in the search for...
Traditionally the Kuki lived in small settlements in the jungles, each ruled by its own chief. The youngest son of the chief inherited his father’s property, while the other sons were provided with wives from the village and sent out to found villages of their own. The Kuki live an isola...
In its updated concept, geotourism is rapidly emerging as a form of urban and regional sustainable development [1]. As Earth scientists involved in Alpine geological and geomorphological studies, we focused the diversity of physical characters in a geographical region of the Western Italian Alps for...
This type of adaptation some would even call “resilience”. With agricultural evolution, human societies handled the water–energy–food nexus more efficiently, and they could possibly survive these gaps facing the threats of recessions in their settlements. If our group of people on an island ...
Moreover, freshwater habitats worldwide are progressively threatened bypollutionfrom industry, agriculture, and human settlements. Additional threats to freshwaterecosystemsinclude introducedinvasive species(such as the sealamprey[Petromyzon marinus] in theGreat Lakes), the canalization ofrivers(such as in th...
This type of adaptation some would even call “resilience”. With agricultural evolution, human societies handled the water–energy–food nexus more efficiently, and they could possibly survive these gaps facing the threats of recessions in their settlements. If our group of people on an island ...