The poor and undeveloped countries are lagging behind in this race of progress simply because their people are illiterates and uneducated. In order to convey one’s thoughts and feelings and to understand others, education is essential. Literacy is the first step in this direction....
investments and technology as a way to interact with each other, forming allies as a way to enhance their resources including the economic rates. This way businesses all around the world can communicate with each other easily and also by doing this they are trying to help undeveloped territories...
As part of this effort to integrate nature and surrounding undeveloped land more fully into the city’s fabric, the municipality has committed to preserving nine square meters of green space per inhabitant. Urban green spaces have a multitude of benefits, including mitigating urban heat island effec...
It frames convergence with supposedly "developed" nations as a goal of so-called "undeveloped" or "developing" nations, and in doing so, fails to account for thenumerous negative outcomesthat often follow this economically-focused model of development. Many sociologists, postcolonial scholars, and e...
Discuss the differences between developed and undeveloped societies. What are the two types of power that social scientists examine, and the three indicators of power social scientists use to determine who is powerful in a country? What cultural differences in...
like these we have hundred thousand of such young people. if these people leave our country and try to work in foreign countries, so our country will remain ruin and undeveloped. Therefore, these young people as work power have a high influence in future of our society. S...
“family veil” to considerable lengths by granting the father an autocratic position during his lifetime and even after, if a testamentary guardian was appointed upon his death. In most undeveloped societies,customarylaw gave similar authority to the father, though sometimes the custody and ...
Geoinformation is used in many areas of people's lives [1]. There are a large number of databases in the European Community countries, which are scattered over a number of institutions depending on the area concerned. It is very time-consuming to collect comprehensive spatial information on a ...