Transgenic organisms are those that have had their DNA altered by scientists. What is meant by a transgenic organism? A transgenic organism is an organism that has had its DNA altered to combine DNA from two or more different genomes. What is an example of a transgenic organism? An example ...
Knock-out mice are a research tool that removes a gene from a mouse model organism to assess the function of the gene. What exactly is genetic engineering? Genetic engineering is the process of altering the DNA of organisms. This can include adding genes from the same or different species, ...
What is a Genetically Modified Organism and what is the use of it? What is an example of a transgenic organism? What's an example of a disease caused by a mutation in a single gene. Do the resulting symptoms (new trait) make sense con...
A zygote is the first diploid eukaryotic cell that resulted from the fusion of haploid gametes (sperm and an ovum) during sexual reproduction.It is the initial stage of an embryo from which a multicellular organism develops. It is also seen in unicellular organisms, where instead of becoming em...
Calcifediol (25-OH-D$_3$) is an activated form of cholecalciferol (vitamin D$_3$), an important compound introduced into the organism from dietary sources or formed in skin tissue from 7-dehydrocholesterol after sunlight UV irradiation and further activation (regioselective hydroxylation) in liver...
In statistics and science, heterogeneity is a concept that describes the uniformity and variability of an organism, a surface, or the distribution of data. Sources of study heterogeneity can be natural or artificial. Artificial heterogeneity refers to study variance introduced by humans or anthropologic...
Knock-out mice are a research tool that removes a gene from a mouse model organism to assess the function of the gene. What exactly is genetic engineering? Genetic engineering is the process of altering the DNA of organisms. This can include adding genes from the same or different species, ...
Transgenics is the transfer of a gene from one organism to another. And cloning is where scientists produce multiple genetically identical copies of the same organism, or part of an organism (like a cell or gene). This is done when an animal or plant is found to have a lot of desirable...
Apolygenic traitis atraitin which the phenotype is controlled by more than one gene. Phenotype is the physical or behavioral traits of an organism, whereas their genotype is the genetic makeup and specific combination of genes and alleles present. Polygenic characteristics are both: ...
The allele Ay is a recessive lethal allele because it is an allele that affects the survival of an organism homozygous for this allele. If we go back to our Punnett square, we can see why there is a 2:1 ratio of yellow to dark grey, rather than a 3:1 ratio of yellow to dark ...