Another name for tessellations is tiling. This is because when tile is laid on the floor or on the walls, a tessellation is formed. Tessellations can be found in art, in architecture, and even in nature. A bee's honeycomb is an example of a tessellation made with hexagons....
ruby-patterns Examples of Patterns in Ruby Table of Contents Adapter Builder Command Composite Decorator Facade Factory Interpreter Iterator Observer Proxy Singleton State Strategy Template Adapter Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together that...
Explore radial design in art through composition and patterns. Find the definition of radial and learn about symmetrical and asymmetrical radial...
Common layout patterns and when to use them Alternatives to traditional layouts Layout design examples for websites and mobile apps Techniques for layout design What is layout design for web and mobile apps? So, what’s the heart of good layout design all about? It really boils down to three...
Q: How is hexagonal tiling used in design and art? A: Hexagonal tiling is often used in creating visually appealing patterns in design and art. It can be found in architectural motifs, tile flooring, honeycomb structures, and even in Islamic geometric art. ...
Tile map, diamonds Tile map, honeycomb Heat map DashboardsBasic Minimal Minimal with custom layout Dashboards Sync Sync panning Sync of highlight cursor Light/dark theme detection DataGrid sync Axis sync DataGrid with MathModifier Crossfilter Vertical Dashboard DataGrid with a lot of data Highcharts...
The patterns that will be used for the website UI are clearly demonstrated by the images of upholstery patterns; there are floral patterns both in these as well as actual flowers in the images. Fonts as well as the social media buttons are also demonstrated in this mood board example. ...
Tile map, diamonds Tile map, honeycomb Heat map DashboardsBasic Minimal Minimal with custom layout Dashboards Sync Sync panning Sync of highlight cursor Light/dark theme detection DataGrid sync Axis sync DataGrid with MathModifier Crossfilter Vertical Dashboard DataGrid with a lot of data Highcharts...
UI Texture Slice Flipping and Tiling Illustrates how to flip and tile images with 9 Slicing in UI UI Z-Index Demonstrates how to control the relative depth (z-position) of UI elements Viewport Debug An example for debugging viewport coordinates Window Fallthrough Illustrates how to access winit:...
:param state: string capturing the current system configuration state This function must be overridden to generate a meaningful hash for the current set of input samples.""" newstate = io.BytesIO(state.encode('utf-8')) for k in ('input_patterns', 'samples_dir', 'val_dir', 'val_num'...