In C++, the ternary operator is a concise, inline method used to execute one of two expressions based on a condition. It is also called the conditional operator. Ternary Operator in C++ A ternary operator evaluates the test condition and executes an expression out of two based on the result ...
The ternary operator is one of the widely used conditional operators. The "conditional" or "Question mark" operator in JavaScript is a ternary operator having three operands. It is the only operator in JavaScript that has three operands. These are:A conditional operand, heeded by a question ...
In Ternary Operator, if the first operand which is boolean expression is true, then the value of second operand is return otherwise value of third operand is return. In other words, if boolean expression is false, the value of third operand will be return otherwise second operand will return....
The ternary operator in C# is a shorthand notation for an if-else statement that takes three operands, hence its name "ternary". It is commonly used to evaluate a condition and assign a value based on whether the condition is true or false. The syntax of the ternary operator is as ...
Example 1: Basic Conditional Operator usageThe conditional operator compares two values and assigns the larger one to a variable.Code:#include <stdio.h> int main() { int a = 10, b = 20; // Use of the conditional operator int max = (a > b) ? a : b; // If 'a' is greater ...
Example of ternary operator: Lets create a program to know whether the number is even: int x = 9; String output = (x%2 ==0): "Even" : "Not even"; System.out.println(output); If we divide 9 by 2 the remainder is 1 which is not equal to 0. So in the above example the fir...
More power: Using the ternary operator on the right hand side of a Java statement Java ternary operator test class Discussion Java FAQ: How do I use the Java ternary operator? Solution: Java ternary operator examples Here’s an example of the Java ternary operator being used to assign the ...
C Ternary Operator allows to choose one of the two values based on a condition. In this tutorial, we will learn its syntax, usage and nesting of ternary operators with examples.
Ternary Operator In C: A Shorter Version Of If-Else Conditional Statements Some Important Remarks On Ternary Operator In C Nested Conditional Operator In C Associativity Of the Conditional Operator In C Assigning Ternary Operator In C To A Variable ...
1.2 With ternary operator, code can be simplified like this: packagecom.mkyong.test;publicclassJavaExample1_2{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){intage=10;Stringresult=(age >18) ?"Yes, you can vote!":"No, you can't vote!"; ...