Another way to make sustainable business cards is to use seeded paper.It’s infused with plant seeds and can be tossed into a garden box or compost bin to grow or enrich the soil. It’s great for industries likelandscaping, botany, florists, or any business committed to a better tomorrow....
Here are a dozen examples of brands innovating in the sustainable packaging sphere: Hero Packaging Hero Packaging is a company dedicated to compostable packaging materials. It all started when its co-founders, couple Anaita Sakar and Vik Davé, came home from work one day to find their children...
Another cynical greenwashing move is to slap a green label on something to make it appear more sustainable or healthy, as Coca-Cola did withCoca-Cola Life— that with 6.6% sugar was far from a healthy drink. You’d probably get less Life if you drank a lot of it. Unfortunately, greenwa...
Plastic is just the tip of the iceberg. Plenty of packaging types have destructive effects on the environment. Luckily, your company can make a huge difference. Click here to start selling online now with Shopify Many companies have made great strides in introducing sustainable packaging to reduce...
“The conference table is semi-enclosed by a terracotta tile bookshelf, another variation of a stacked terracotta module, brought into the interiors. This was a conscious attempt to re-contextualize the value of reusing materials, advocating for more sustainable solutions and showing c...
They are also less harmful to the environment. Apart from all the regular functions of a fence, they can also end up providing fuelwood, fodder, and food. Its versatility makes it a sustainable alternative to regular fences. A Living Fence Brightens up the Landscape ...
There are also other bodies, like theForest Stewardship Council.They ensure that any wood-based products (like cardboard boxes)are madefrom sustainably-sourced forests. Sustainable productpackaging, coupled with sustainable package design, is a potent combination. These characteristics can be a great ...
Explore 40 unsexy yet brilliant examples of innovation. Discover how ordinary ideas can lead to extraordinary outcomes.
Carlsberg has designed the bottle with sustainable wood fiber. Usually, the beer bottle is made up of aluminum or glass to keep its taste and freshness intact. But, with the green fiber bottle packaging, the company is trying to shift towards the consumer and environment-friendly sustainable ...
Sustainable Retail: 15 Ways to Be More Sustainable + Examples Today, if you want to reduce negative impact on the environment and attract and retain the growing number of consumers and employees who are socially conscious, taking steps to make your retail business more sustainable is crucial. On...