动名词做主语|How to Use Gerunds as Subjects to Make Better English Sentences 370 0 00:39 App 【想念】“句句不提想念,却写尽想念“ 98 0 20:22 App 美音|前元音|Pronunciation of English Vowel Sounds - Front Vowels 465 0 01:00 App 你是我的神!不会分析句子的进! 1007 0 03:06 App 作...
As always in English grammar, subject-verb agreement is essential, but with a compound subject, it’s not always obvious whether a singular or plural verb is called for. Here are the general rules to follow. Compound subjects with and When the elements of a compound subject are connected ...
Grammar Examples Clauses Examples Nouns Examples Action Verbs Examples Auxiliary Verbs Examples Appositives Examples Direct Objects Examples Nouns of Direct Address Examples Object of the Preposition Examples Predicate Noun Examples Subjects Examples Linking Verbs Examples Modal Auxiliary Verbs Examples Noun ...
A simple sentence consists of just one independent clause—a group of words that contains at least one subject and at least one verb and can stand alone as a complete sentence—with no dependent clauses. Here are some examples of simple sentences, with the simple subjects and verbs in bold...
In grammar the person or thing we speak about is called the subject. What we say about the subject is called the predicate. THE SUBJECT Definition Of The Subject: Subjects tell the listener and the reader whom or what the sentence is about. The subject is that part of a sentence which ...
Easy Examples of Subjects Types of Subject (1) Simple Subject (2) Complete Subject (3) Compound Subject How Subjects Are Used in Sentences Why the Subject of a Sentence Is Important Easy Examples of Subjects Every sentence must have a verb, and every verb must have a subject. In the exam...
The subject in a sentence is a noun, nouns, a pronoun, or pronouns that perform the action of the verb in that sentence. What are examples of simple subjects? This is an example of a simple subject. David has been living in the Republic of South Africa for the past seven years. ...
In the case of compound subjects, it's important to identify all the nouns that are being described. Savannah and Mallory went to the beach about an hour ago. The boy and his dog ventured across the open field. A man with his child tried to survive the winter. The fox and the wolf ...
conjunctions. They connect words, phrases, and clauses of equal rank. In contrast, subordinating conjunctions connect clauses of unequal rank. Correlative conjunctions (such as neither...nor) pair things together as subjects or objects in a sentence, which is why they're also called pairing ...
Learn more about subjects and predicates Types, Definitions, and Examples of Phrasal Verbs A list of phrasal verbs and their meanings, with exercises in English grammar. Learn more about phrasal verbs Types, Definitions, and Examples of Sentence Patterns Definition of SVOCA and examples, with ...