and warriors—and from these has come the greatest stimulus everywhere toward producing and listening tomyths, tales, and songs. To these the common man has listened to such effect that sometimes he himself has become a bard. And kings and councillors, still without benefit of writing, have sa...
s prehuman ancestors used tools habitually and that habit became custom through thetransmissionof tool using from one generation to another long before articulate speech came into being. In fact, some theorists hold, the customary use of tools became a powerful stimulus in the development of a ...
For a manager, to keep his employees motivated to achieve the targets requires a great deal of decision making, visualization, analysis, and implementation. Moreover, the stimulus should not get habituated, but keep on motivating in the long run. Gamification attracts employees as it scales over ...
本文(职称英语专家例题分析—综合ab词汇题(analysis of expert examples of professional titles -comprehensive ab vocabulary questions))为本站会员(仙人指路)主动上传,蚂蚁文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即...
Through classical conditioning, people learn to associate two unconditioned stimuli with each other in anticipation of events. In operant conditioning, people learn to associate an unconditioned stimulus to a positive or negative consequence. A positive consequence to a stimulus reinforces the behavior ...
This shows that the mice formed a cognitive map of the maze in their brains, and even though they processed it well, they exhibited the speed only after they discovered a motivation. Thus, Tolman proved that a learning process occurs between the stimulus and response, but is exhibited only ...
stimulus to the audience’s sense of the action, its direction and meaning. Thus, both the Greekchorusand the Elizabethan actor in soliloquy might be seen to “do” nothing, but theirintimatespeeches of evaluation and reassessment teach the spectator how to think and feel about the action of ...
s prehuman ancestors used tools habitually and that habit became custom through thetransmissionof tool using from one generation to another long before articulate speech came into being. In fact, some theorists hold, the customary use of tools became a powerful stimulus in the development of a ...
social interactionplays a large part in accounting for common definitions of an issue and similar views about how to deal with a problem. But in a mass a great many people react similarly to a common stimulus just because they have common attitudes and motivations. Election behaviour is often ...