I once dated someone who successfully manipulated me before I knew what narcissism and manipulation were. He engaged in a pattern of lying, deception,gaslighting, denial, degrading, and other tactics too numerous to list. After a while, I didn't recognize myself. I went from being confident ...
An unreliable narrator might be an adult or a child, someone who is mentally impaired in some way, or someone who is simply too young to fully understand what’s going on. They are usuallyfirst-personnarrators given that their personal experiences are often what’s influencing their reliability...
play varied roles in communication. By understanding the categories of questions, you can better tailor your responses if someone is asking you a question. Conversely, you can elicit better responses and guide the conversation if you're the one asking the questions. ...
The appeal to pity fallacy occurs when someone attempts to persuade others by provoking feelings of guilt or pity. Instead of presenting factual information and evidence to support an argument, one may try to play on people’s feelings. However, this is a manipulative tactic because feelings of...
Triangulation is a harmful psychological and passive-aggressive tool used by narcissists and other types of manipulative personalities. It involves the narcissist complaining about you to someone else in an attempt to solve a problem in their favor. ...
In this guide, you’ll learn 5 of the most powerful push-pull attraction techniques to make women obsess over you. This psychological technique is so powerful that it has been criticized by some for beingtoomanipulative. Make sure to use it for good and not evil 😉 ...
Theslippery slope logical fallacyoccurs when someone asserts that a relatively small step or initial action will lead to a chain of events resulting in a drastic change or undesirable outcome. However, no evidence is offered to prove that this chain reaction will indeed happen. ...
In movies, TV shows, and books, a foil character is someone who contrasts with another character – usually the main character – to highlight their qualities.
Effects of Narcissistic Abuse Narcissistic abuse has a negative impact on both your physical and your emotional well-being. Being in an abusive relationship with someone who has narcissistic tendencies often can have lasting effects, even if thenarcissisticindividualis no longer in your life. ...
and political beliefs that shape how someone interacts with the world. For example, one character might believe in the inherent goodness of humankind, while another will believe all people are selfish and irresponsible; each philosophy will affect how each character perceives others and lives in the...