Targeting one of the largest health insurers in the United States, the Anthem breach is the most extensive healthcare data breach ever recorded, giving the attackers access to the personal and medical information ofnearly 79 millionpeople. The stolen data included names, dates of birth, Social Se...
Learn about social stratification. Understand what social stratification is, examine the caste and class systems, and see examples of social...
social economicssocietyUses the theory of knowledge-based interactions to explain the idea of systems as extensive organismic interrelationships. Shows such extensive interactions to be possible only in the fold of a unitary epistemology, which in turn, describes the evolving histories of human ...
Understand the social action theory. Learn the definition and examples of social action, and read about Max Weber and other theorists' perspectives...
This article takes a look at a variety of examples of contexts, including social contexts, cultural contexts, historical contexts, political contexts, and educational contexts.
Social engineering is the art of manipulating people so they give up confidential information, which includes your passwords, bank information, or access to your computer. Follow this guide to learn the different types of social engineering and how to pr
It is a type of social engineering thatdepends upon a victim taking the lure. The person dangling the bait wants to lure the target into taking action. The most hated form of baiting oftenuses physical media to spread the malware.
Learn about social cohesion. Understand what social cohesion is, learn the elements that form social and cultural cohesion, and see examples of...
Learn the meaning of social science and explore fields such as geography and psychology. Study social science disciplines and see social science...
Socialist systems tend to have robust welfare systems and social safety nets so that individuals rely on the state for everything from food to healthcare. The government determines the output and pricing levels of these goods and services. Socialists contend that shared ownership of resources and ...