This for remembering functions of the kidney and complications of CKD—Acid-base balance: metabolic acidosis,Water removal: pulmonary edema,Erythropoiesis: anemia,Toxin removal: uremia,Blood pressure control: hypertension,Electrolyte balance: hyperkalemia, VitaminDactivation: bone-mineral disorder of chronic...
Because gastric secretions have a low pH (high H+ concentration), whereas biliary, pancreatic, and intestinal secretions are alkaline (high HCO3– concentration), vomiting and diarrhea are often accompanied by metabolic alkalosis and acidosis, respectively....
This chapter is full of clinical tips. It warns on the confusing clinical signs of pupillary constriction due to narcotics and COAD, which both can cause type 2 respiratory failure. Then it gives information on how can respiratory alkalosis can be used therapeutically. The next part of the ...
This review seeks to open discussion on the teaching of problem-solving skills in veterinary learners. Before a veterinary learn-er can solve a problem, they need to be able to recognize the problem. Then, information is gathered and economically viable solutions determined. To make problem-solvin...
An increase in alkaline causes a rise in pH levels. When the acid levels are too high in the blood, it’s called acidosis. This is called alkalosis when the blood is too alkaline. A problem with the lungs is due to respiratory acidosis and alkalosis. ...