We cover the basics of repetition, including a clear definition, over 25 repetition examples in literature, and a quiz to test your knowledge!
This sentence is also a great example of a sentence that starts in one place and ends in another. We start with the belief in the narrator’s happiness, but by the end, we are surprised to find that he only feels like he should be happy rather than actually feeling true happiness. The...
This Latin abbreviation stands for “exempli gratia,” which translates to “for the sake of example.” The abbreviation should be written with lowercase letters, with a period after each letter, and followed by a comma. For example abbreviation in a sentenceThe use of informal language should ...
The repeating sound must occur either in the first letter of each word, or in the stressed syllables of those words. Anadiplosis: Occurs when a word or group of words located at the end of one clause or sentence is repeated at or near the beginning of the following clause or sentence. ...
In the scene above, King Lear is grieving the death of his daughter. The use of epizeuxis is a perfect choice for this scene because it strengthens the emotion. 3. Epistrophe Epistrophe, also called “epiphora,” usesrepetitionat the end of independent clauses or sentences. ...
D.Repetition of certain words.正确答案:Facial expressions.;Hand movements.;Rising or Falling tones. 点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 问答题 Notes can be easily edited if they are taking in ()? 答案: A.the sentence methodB.the outlining methodC.the mind-mapping methodD.the paragraph method...
Run-on sentences are a matter of grammar rather than length—even relatively short sentences can contain this error. There are two common mistakes that result in run-on sentences. Comma splice Two independent clauses cannot be joined by a comma alone. This form of sentence is called acomma ...
What are some examples of consonance?Consonance, Assonance, and Alliteration:Consonance, alliteration, and assonance are various types of sound repetitions in a sentence or in a phrase. The repetition can be either of a particular vowel sound or of a particular consonant sound....
Definition of Repetition Repetition consists of repeating a word, phrase, or sentence, and is common in both poetry and prose. It is a rhetorical technique to add emphasis, unity, and/or power. Due to this definition of repetition, it is a common technique for orators to use. There have ...
Anastrophe is the inversion of the expected or regular word order of a sentence. In poetry, it frequently occurs to maintain the meter or the rhyme scheme of the piece. Answer and Explanation: One example of anastrophe in "Ozymandias" is in the final lines of the poem: "Round the decay ...