Caesura, in modern prosody, a pause within a poetic line that breaks the regularity of the metrical pattern. It is represented in scansion by the sign ‖. The caesura sometimes is used to emphasize the formal metrical construction of a line, but it more
In the area of speech synthesis it is already possible to generate understandable speech with discourse neutral prosody for simple written texts. However, at ATR-ITL we are researching speech synthesis techniques for use in a speech translation environment. Dialogues, in such conversations, involve ...
Pauses in speech and breaks in syntax tend in any case to coincide; and although writers are now agreed that the main purpose of punctuation is to clarify the grammar of a text, they also require it to take account of the speed and rhythm of actual speech. Syntactic punctuation is, by ...
Paralanguage refers to the conveyance of meaning through non-lexical tokens (or non-words, such as "huh," "hmm," or "well") such as qualities of prosody (or the rhythm, stress, and sound of speech). Various aspects of linguistic communication are conveyed through different components of ...
prosodic hierarchy is built on the basis of the morpho-syntactic hierarchy. Although there is a reliable correlation between the two hierarchies, the correlation is not always perfect (cf. also Chomsky and Halle 1968). A classical example of the mismatch between syntax andprosodyis illustrated ...
Decoding is the process of converting an abstract message into an understandable format. What is decoding in reading? Decoding in reading is the process of translating printed words into speech. This early reading skill requires readers to associate letters with sounds, blend the sounds together, an...
The study and use of meter in poetry is known as "prosody." A poem can use a single meter throughout, or it can have different meters in different places. Meter can be analyzed on the level of a whole poem, a stanza, a line, or even a single foot. The way meter is measured dep...
파일: 프로젝트: fclintj/speech_diarization def get_label(path): """ Used to load a TextGrid from disk and return the array representation of it. :param path: Path to the TextGrid :return: Array representation of the TextGrid. """ grid = TextGrid(name=path) grid....
public static byte[] TtsAudioOutput(string lang, string voiceName, AudioFormat format, string text, float prosodyRate = 1.0f) { byte[] output = null; AccessTokenInfo token = auth.GetAccessToken(); string accessToken = token.access_token; string uri = "https://speech.plat...
(timePart, SSMLBuilder.SayAsTypes.TIME).BuildWithoutWrapperElement(); string prosodySSML = new SSMLBuilder().Prosody(rawSSML, pitch: "+5%", contour: "(10%,+5%) (50%,-5%) (80%,-5%)").Build(); TextToSpeechEngine.SpeakInflectedText(this.MediaElement, prosodySSML); } return(created...