Think back to previous roles for examples of when you used problem-solving skills. It’s not enough to say you’re good at problem-solving; employers will be looking for concrete examples, so be sure to mention them in your cover letter and use bullet points on your CV with specific...
Discover what problem-solving skills are and how they can help you overcome challenges with real-life examples to improve your problem-solving abilities.
Problem-solving skills are difficult to describe and quantify: they’re a combination of different hard and soft skills such as logical inference, technical knowledge, adaptability and innovation, leadership potential, decision-making, productivity, and collaboration. All are crucial for developing experti...
Why track it:Helps you determine the level of employee happiness and work to foster a positive environment 73. Gender Pay Gap What is it:Difference in average pay between men and women or non-binary people in the same role Why track it:Shows whether you need to take action to create a ...
Wisdom:Wisdom of crowds, a concept popularized by James Surowiecki, is the idea that large groups of people are collectively smarter than individual experts when it comes to problem-solving or identifying values (like the weight of a cow or number of jelly beans in a jar).5 ...
Reframing is a method of problem solving where a new perspective is introduced to allow for better insight or innovation. Identify the purpose,...
The candidate has leveraged their business administration degree to work on projects that translate into real-world problem-solving, such as financial modeling for tech companies. The clear demonstration of technical skills like business intelligence, data analysis, and visualization tools provides a ...
Problem-solving: the ability to tackle unexpected problems and resolve conflicts. For some people, these things come naturally. They complete all of these complicated thought processes automatically without even noticing it. But that’s not the case for everyone. Thankfully, it’s possible to devel...
Why is problem-solving so valued? Companies face a lot of obstacles. Those better able to cope with challenges will thrive. Those less able will ultimately fail. Simple as that. Problem-solving is part and parcel of everyday life at any company, and it involves: ...
Precise and up-to-date documentation of the current processes allows problem-solving when things do not run smoothly or when an analysis is required due to a change of policy, circumstances, or application of new technologies. Unfortunately, because a business evolves, unnecessary and redundant task...