Many authors and literary scholars have described both how plots work and the most frequent plots in literature. The most common understanding of plot is that of a pyramid, as originally posited by the German novelist Gustav Freitag. This pyramid consists of exposition, rising action, climax, fa...
Examples Of Prose In Literature 1. Great Expectationsby Charles Dickens Book cover of Great Expectations In this passage, Dickens expertly conveys one of the many difficulties of growing up–the fear of becoming someone you do not want to be. Many growing adults cling to the safety of youth,...
Even if you’re not familiar with the term “comma splice,” you’ve most likely come across them in both classic and modern literature. They may even have pulled you out of a story for a moment, making you think,That doesn’t look quite right. A comma splice is a common grammatical ...
Without a plot, a novel would be nothing more than a series of unrelated scenes. The plot is what binds everything together, driving the narrative forward. There are many different types of plots in literature, but some of the most common include: Linear plots, where events happen ...
Examples of Mood in Literature Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens (1837) Occasionally, when there was some more than usually interesting inquest upon a parish child who had been overlooked in turning up a bedstead, or inadvertently scalded to death when there happened to be a washing-though the latte...
Classical literature is replete with timeless examples of romance stories that have left a lasting impact on readers throughout the centuries. Here are some examples: “Romeo and Juliet” byWilliam Shakespeare(1597): This tragic play is one of the most famous love stories in literature. The youn...
Most works of literature have a protagonist and an antagonist. While the protagonist is a main character who pursues the primary goals of the plot in the novel or short story, the antagonist is the character who gets in the way. The protagonist has good intentions towards other characters and...
Learn about the plot of a story. Explore the definition and types of plot, understand the plot elements and structure, view the plot diagram, and...
It arranges various elements of plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement) and setting into three distinct acts of a beginning, middle, and end. What is structure used for in literature? Structure in literature is used to knit all the various elements of a story...
This post collects 60 examples of hooks for books. Also called elevator pitches, these book hooks show real-life examples in a variety of writing genres for fiction and nonfiction books.