Annuals include many weeds, wildflowers, garden flowers, and vegetables. See also biennial; perennial. Kansas wheat fieldWheat field in Kansas, U.S. An annual crop, wheat is sown and harvested in a single growing season.(more) Many economically important food crops are annuals, including all...
Perennial, any plant that persists for several years, usually with new herbaceous growth from a part that survives from growing season to growing season. Trees and shrubs, including all gymnosperms (cone-bearing plants), are perennials, as are some herba
Rhizome plants such as potatoes gather energy in the form of starch or other sugars (glucose, sucrose, and fructose), and these rhizomes are thicker compared to stems growing above the ground. Rhizomes also protect perennial plants by providing them with energy throughout winter. ...
In northern countries only few wild plants flower in November, but the gradually drying stems of the chicory plant persist even in cold winters. The piercing blue flowers appear from late spring right through to late autumn and the strong, deep perennial roots and the flat leaf rosettes protect...
Perennial Porphyritic Public Perfect Portable Publicised Perfected Portentous Publishable Perfectible Porticoed Pucka Perfervid Portly Puckish Perfidious Portuguese Puddingheaded Perfoliate Posh Pudendal Perforate Positionable Pudgy Perforated Positional Puerile Perfumed Positive Puerperal Perfunctory Positivistic Puff...
Most flowering plant species reproduce primarily by outcrossing, including the great majority of trees, shrubs, and perennial herbs. Adaptations that prevent self-fertilization include self-incompatibility (genetic recognition and blocking of self-pollen) and dioecy (separate male and female individuals)....
Saffron (Crocus sativusL.) is a bulbous perennial stem less plant the antiquity of which dates from 1600 to 1700 BC, as found in a fresco of Minos Palace in Crete. According to Greek mythology, God Ermis (Mercury) wounded his friend Krokos by accident in the head. Lying dead, Krokos’...
Also called:white horehounda downy perennial herbaceous Old World plant,Marrubium vulgare, with small white flowers that contain a bitter juice formerly used as a cough medicine and flavouring: familyLamiaceae(labiates): See alsoblack horehound ...
Being well-versed with the basic idea of herbs, shrubs and trees could be the first lifesaver. Learning how different types of vegetations like annuals, perennial and biennials appear in the world could also be hugely helpful. Learning to differentiate bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and...
hottentot fig noun a perennial plant, mesembryanthemum (or carpobrotus ) edule, originally south african, having fleshy prostrate leaves, showy yellow or purple flowers, and edible fruits quiz persnickety about vocabulary? take a word of the day quiz! you can get a perfect score on the words ...