What three structures are found in the cells of all organisms, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic? Which cell organelles make lysosomes? Which type of cell structure is found in plants but not in animals? a. Nuclei b. Glyoxysomes c. Mitochondria d. Ribosomes e. Lysosomes What do plant ce...
Learn about radial symmetry in animals and understand how it occurs. Study examples of organisms with radial symmetry and compare them to bilateral...
Examples of multicellular organisms include humans, plants, animals, and fungi. Examples of unicellular organisms include bacteria and archaea. What Are Organisms? An organism is a living system that can respond to stimuli from its surroundings, reproduce, grow, develop, adapt, and maintain ...
Animals aremulticellularorganisms.The animal body is composed of several cells performing specific functions as opposed tobacteriaand most protists that are unicellular. The cells may then be organized into various animal tissues, such as epithelial tissues, connective tissues, muscle tissues, nervous ti...
orarchaeonon Earth. These organisms may be classified in various ways. One of the ways is by basing upon the number ofcellsthat make it up. The two major groups are thesingle-celled(e.g.bacteria,archaea, andprotists) and themulticellular(animals and plants). Organisms can also be classifie...
People depend on some of the plants abd animals in the that maje up the ecological environment. For example, one-fourth of the prescriptions is made up of some of the plants.Finally, humans benefit from the interactions with the organisms. Plants can help clean the water, air, and help ...
20 samples in this categoryEssay examples Essay topics Animal Rights: Relevance of Animal Protection 5 Pages 2468 Words The Interconnected Web of Life: Human Dependence on Animals The web of life is complex and involves the unstable equilibrium of a multitude of distinct organisms that compete,...
The various specialized cells in a tissue contribute to the function of an organ. Examples of specialized cells include heart muscle cells and parietal cells found in the stomach. The hierarchy that forms parts in living organisms follows this order; atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, ...
All organisms in the kingdom Animalia are multicellular, meaning their bodies are composed of more than one cell. The number of cells varies widely from one species to another. Marine rotifers are microscopic animals with about 100 cells in their bodies, while blue whales, the largest animals ...
information will die with it. Thus, many have now considered fitness to be defined as the ability to survive long enough to pass genes on to a future generation. While altruism lowers the individual fitness of a single organism, it increases the fitness of an entire group of organisms. ...