The characteristics of living things include the ability to respond to diverse stimuli, reproduce, grow, develop, adapt, and regulate their internal environment. In addition, all organisms utilize energy to live. For example, plants use energy from the sun to make simple sugars, which are used ...
a small structure within the ovary of the flower. The ovary is a larger structure within the flower that contains and protects usually many ovules. Flowering plants are unique in that their ovules are entirely enclosed in the ovary. The ovary itself is part...
Examples of unicellular prokaryotes are bacteria and archaea and unicellular eukaryotes are protists and certain fungi. Multicellular organisms include plants and animals. In multicellular organisms, a group of cells makes up a tissue. The cells in a tissue have a similar structure and function. ...
All of the body systems are involved in homeostasis. The job of organ systems in the body is to perform functions that keep the human body at homeostasis. Some examples of organ systems in the body that are involved in homeostasis include: Cardiovascular system Respiratory system Integumentary...
In smaller species, these systems progressively emerge, and in higher animals, they reach their full complexity and functional specialization. The reproductive organs (such as flowers, seeds, and spores) and the stem, root, and leaf are the major organs of plants. The stem also serves as the...
Plant reproductive system, any of the systems, sexual or asexual, by which plants reproduce. Asexual reproduction results in offspring that are identical to the parent plant. Sexual reproduction involves new genetic combinations and results in offspring
Examples of specialized cells include heart muscle cells and parietal cells found in the stomach. The hierarchy that forms parts in living organisms follows this order; atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems. Various organ systems form an organism. ...
organism:organsystems composed of organs, organs of tissues, tissues of cells, cells of molecules, and molecules of atomic elements and energy. The progression, therefore, proceeding upward from atoms and energy, is toward fewer units, larger and more complex in pattern, at each successive level...
There are threetissue systems in plants: epidermis, ground tissue, and vascular tissue. Alternatively, plant tissues may be categorized as either meristematic or permanent. Epidermis The epidermis consist of cells that coat the outer surface of leaves and the bodies of young plants. Its functions ...
"rhizome" even comes from the Greek word that means "mass of roots." Yet, rhizomes are stems and not roots. The main difference between a rhizome and a root is that a root has no nodes orleaves. Roots function to attach plants to the ground, store food, and absorb water and ...