[logical2] Optional The second condition or logical value to evaluate. Returning Parameter Logical values- TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether at least one of the logical arguments is TRUE . Example 1 – Using the Basic OR Function in Excel This is the sample dataset. Sorry, the video pla...
The EXACT functionwill look for an exact match of the cell value ofB16in the cell rangeB5:B13. The result from the previous step will be multiplied bythe ROW function, and the row number will be returned for the exact match of the previous step in an array. TheVLOOKUPfunction will matc...
Example 1: Using True/False arguments in the OR function. You can use the True/False arguments directly within the Excel OR function. If any of the given arguments is TRUE, the result would be TRUE. If both the arguments are FALSE, it will return FALSE. ...
"delivered", "Delivered", and "DELIVERED", are all deemed the same word. If you'd like to distinguish text case, wrap each argument of the OR function into EXACT as shown inthis example.
ISERROR function in Excel The Excel ISERROR function catches all kinds of errors, including #CALC!, #DIV/0!, #N/A, #NAME?, #NUM!, #NULL!, #REF!, #VALUE!, and #SPILL!. The result is a Boolean value: TRUE if an error is detected, FALSE otherwise. ...
Arguments of the SORT function in Excel Before we look at the arguments required for the SORT function, let’s look at a basic example to appreciate what it does. As demonstrated below, the SORT function does exactly what you would expect; it sorts the data. The critical point is to noti...
Examples of Using OR Function in Google Sheets The OR function finds applications in a diverse range of scenarios, streamlining data analysis and decision-making. Here are a couple of illustrative examples: Example 1: Status checking Suppose you have a list of customer orders and you want to id...
Another simple Excel function that often comes in handy is SUMPRODUCT. It takes arrays of values (as many as you like), multiplies those arrays’ corresponding values, and sums up the products of those multiplications. You’ll find SUMPRODUCT in HyperFormula as well: SUMPRODUCT(array1;array2.....
The AND function will assess whether all of the logical statements passed to the function are TRUE, and the OR function will check to see whether any of the values show up as TRUE. In Excel 2013, Microsoft has added the XOR function which is an ‘Exclusive OR’ function. In the...
IF Function: Comparison Operators & Syntax To help evaluate conditions, Excel uses a list of familiar operators. You probably know these as we probably used them in math class. These operators will be evaluated as logical “true” or “false”. In the table below, B2 and C2 in the Exampl...