Imagine that you are attending your first course as a college student. You worry about whether you will be able to retain enough of the information from lectures in order to pass your quizzes. You also worry about being asked a question and not knowing the answer. To help calm your anxie...
This type of therapy is used to help individuals who have unwanted habits, such as tics or compulsions. Habit reversal training involves teaching the person to become aware of their habit and then replacing it with a more adaptive behavior. Over time, the person becomes habituated to the new...
Amok, zar, susto, and koro are examples of a. paraphilias. b. neuroses. c. organic psychoses. d. culture-bound syndromes. Mental Disorders: Mental disorders are the equivalent of physical diseases for the mind and behavior. The development of...
People with OCD may spend several hours each day engaged in compulsions, to the exclusion of normal life activities. OCD usually manifests in children or young adults, tends to run a chronic waxing-and-waning course, and is associated with significant disability in many life areas. Many OCD ...