In this chapter we list some of the (now numerous) calculations of zeta functions of L-groups and Lie rings. The primary emphasis is on bringing into print explicit calculations that have yet to be published. However, we aim this chapter to be more than just a gallery of results. Hence ...
We introduce a class ofG-equivariant spectra that we callF-nilpotent. This definition fits into... A Mathew,N Naumann,J Noel - 《Advances in Mathematics》 被引量: 18发表: 2017年 Nilpotence and Descent in Stable Homotopy Theory We study various applications of the ideas of descent and nil...
We study the geodesic orbit property for nilpotent Lie groups N endowed with a pseudo-Riemannian left-invariant metric. We consider this property with resp... V Del Barco - 《Siam Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems》 被引量: 0发表: 2017年 Two-step homogeneous geodesics in pseudo-Riemannian ...
I. Emmanouil, Nilpotent cohomology classes and some examples of groups, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 163 (2001) 159-171.Emmanouil, I. (2001). Nilpotent cohomology classes and some examples of groups. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 163(2):159-171. doi:10.1016/S0022-4049(00)00133-X, ...
In particular, for any simply connected nilpotent Lie groupN, we construct quasiisometries fromNto itself that is not at finite distance from any map that is a composition of left translations and automorphisms. We also construct bi-Lipschitz maps of the Heisenberg groups that send vertical lines...
(n, 2)as a local direct factorGroups with a normal subgroup isomorphic to ℝ Restriction-Induction Examples constructed using a quadratic form in the Lie algebra A nilpotent Lie group without nonproper Lorentz dynamics Groups withSO(n, 1)orSO(n, 2)as a local direct factor Groups with a ...
NILPOTENT groupsASSOCIATIVE ringsRING theoryTOPOLOGYALGEBRAMATHEMATICSExamples of finitely generated nonnilpotent near-rings satisfying the identity x~2 = 0 are constructed.doi:10.1007/s10958-005-0274-0I. I. BogdanovMoscow State UniversityJournal of Mathematical Sciences...
Several examples of pro-p-groups and profinite-nilpotent Lie algebras of dimension two are given. In particular, a negative answer is given to one of the questions raised by L. V. Kuz'min. An essential role in the construction of these examples is played by the author's criterion ...
non-geometric sectionsEXISTENCEWe show the existence of group-theoretic sections of certain geometrically pro-nilpotent by abelian arithmetic fundamental groups of hyperbolic curves over p-adic local fields which are non-geometric, i.e., which do not arise from rational points. Among these quotients ...
Automorphisms of order 4We construct torsion-free polycyclic groups with fixed-point-free automorphisms of order 4 that are not nilpotent-by-finite, not metabelian-by-finite, not nilpotent-by-abelian and hence not centre-by-metabelian. (Note that such groups are always finite extensions of centre...