These three well-written essays create a strong set. The first and the last would have been impressive on their own. Reading them all together magnifies their impact considerably. This student does an especially good job of targeting the school. This student focuses his first essay on his extra...
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Skills and Experience Gained Essay Example 1205 words5 pages Awareness of the nature of acute patient care I am interested in applying for a Position Health Care Support Worker Band 2 in Barts NHS. My motivation towards pursuing this course is solely driven by the zeal to secure a career from...
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Lim, C. R., Harris, K., Dawson, J., Beard, D. J., Fitzpatrick, R., & Price, A. J. (2015). Floor and ceiling effects in the OHS:an analysis of the NHS PROMs data set. BMJ Open, 5(7), e007765. ...
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I believe that the subjects that I have studied at A Level, these being French, Human Biology, English Literature and Psychology have allowed me to pick up a variety of key skills which would be beneficial in the future. For example, I have acquired essay writing skills; am able to compet...