1. Name-calling/stereotyping 2. Ad nauseam 3. Appeal to prejudice 4. Appeal to fear 5. Appeal to authority 6. Herd behavior 7. Euphoria What is a simple definition of propaganda? It is the use of a variety of techniques to persuade an audience to one particular point of view...
Examples of Name-Calling as a Fallacy "In politics, association is often accomplished by name-calling--linking a person or idea to a negativesymbol. The persuader hopes that the receiver will reject the person or idea on the basis of the negative symbol, rather than by examining theevidence....
Thisadexplainsthepropagandatechniquetransfer.UncleSamistryingtotransferyourprideinthecountrytohelpoutinthewar.ItshowsUncleSamandtheUnitedStatesarecountingonyoutohelpthewar.TheadistransferringUncleSam’sprideandefforttoyoufeelingthesame. Examplefrom1984:Thisquotefrom1984isanexampleofnamecalling.Itisnamecalling...
6. Name Calling Propaganda Now, this type of propaganda uses a completely opposite approach to glittering generalities. As the name suggests, this propaganda technique involves using derogatory phrases to create a negative opinion about someone or some other brand. ...
Edward Bernays’Torches of Freedomcampaign is a prime example of this concept in action. 7. Name-calling Name-calling propaganda is based on putting the other party down. Employing this technique in advertising normally starts brand wars. It can be light-hearted, but sometimes the animosity can...
Transfer is an attempt to make the consumer view two subjects in the same way. Fear convinces the consumer that if they don’t make a purchase, something bad will happen. Name-Calling is the use of negative language or words that convinces the consumer to choose one product over another. ...
If the main focus is the central argument, an effective way to respond to propaganda, what are the stages that can help us know when we're getting distracted? The pyramid visual below helps us see more clearly. Paul Graham’s hierarchy of disagreement gives us a spectrum of how close (or...
The 1936 Games was dominated by propaganda, as Hitler grasped the opportunity to promote the Nazi line of Aryan racial superiority. Thankfully, the black athlete Jesse Owens won four gold medals and made Hitler look pretty stupid. We can't deny, however, that the poster designed by Franz Wü...
The latino’s piousness is evident with the use of religious themes and Roman Catholic symbols. by Thiago Barros Propaganda, nationalism and revolution are also common themes in Latin American graphic design (especially in the Caribbean islands). by Juan Camilo Rojas By Frank Arbelo by Ernesto Ga...
Now, the pieces that were written earlier usually had a rather didactic tone where propaganda played a major role in the books. However, more recent works in this genre have commentaries by authors who describe their personal takeaways and spiritual gatherings from the faith they have chosen to...