(Year of Publication) ‘Article title’, Journal Title, Volume(Part number, month, season), pp. X-X. Wolf, J. (2020) ‘An old materialism: saints and idols in the Katherine Group hagiographies’, Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 50(2), pp. 269-291. How to reference ...
Example: “Many teenagers regard pop stars as their idols.” Incite To incite means to encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behavior). Example:“The speaker’s rhetoric was meant to incite the crowd.” Insight Insight is the capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone...
Papist: of or relating to or supporting Romanism; romish; romanist. –He’d say the Irish and them are well known to be Catholic papists and worshipers of the false idols. Papistic: of or relating to or supporting Romanism; papist; popish. –Doubtless the offence of the ejected predece...