Analysing the development of practice and policy from a participation perspective suggests that tokenism may have played a role in deprioritising the voices of individuals with disabilities, rendering policy disconnected from the needs of marginalised groups. The concept of participatory parity may ...
Documentary drama uses historical records of real events as its foundation. Verbatim theatre originated in the 1960s in regional Britain to give marginalised communities a voice. It goes one step further and deliberately uses the actual words of people involved in the event onstage. Kenneth Pickerin...
with one of the first policy programmes focusing on social justice (‘Social Justice: A Scotland Where Everyone Matters -Scottish Executive, 1999). Social justice is concerned with socially marginalised groups and how society responds to this. Inclusion is education’s response to social justice and...
holidays, customs, the arts, cuisine, garb, and other lifestyle patterns has been weaved by humanity. It is important to remember that many main cultures have subcultures, or groups of people who share a set of values and lead similar lifestyles but who construct their experiences different...
This article links the development of service user involvement championed in the United Kingdom to two examples in Dutch-speaking qualifying social work programmes: one from Belgium and one from the Netherlands. In both projects, a longer lasting cooperation with more marginalised service users was ...
collection and use in relation to MSM can expand the scope by which scholars can critically engage with sexualities work in the global South, and especially emergent interest on the unintended consequences of international agencies' attempts to support the needs of marginalised groups in the South. ...