Learn about the civil rights of people in minority groups. Explore the minority rights definition, history of minority rights, and different...
European attempts towards tolerance and promotion of minority rights - one being the failed interwar League of Nations system and the other being the contemporary post-Cold War norms of the European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and the Council of Europe....
Majority Voting Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What is an example of plurality voting and minority voting? One prominent example of plurality voting is the election of United States Congressmen. Congressional races only require that the winner have more votes than any other competitor, eve...
Similar to democracy, the theory of majoritarianism has been used as justification for a sizable or aggressive minority to politically oppress other smaller minorities, or even sometimes a civically inactive majority, as inRichard Nixon's“Silent Majority” that he claimed supported his conservativenati...
Markovnikov’s rule is a rule that can be used to predict the outcomes of some addition reactions. Learn about Markovnikov’s rule with examples of Markovnikov and anti-Markovnikov reactions
(i.e., indirect) discrimination characterizes policies that are neutral in intent and implementation (e.g.,raceor class-neutralcollegeadmissions policies) but are nevertheless potentially harmful to minorities. Opponents of structural discrimination hold that states have an obligation to bring about ...
Referral programs are often called word-of-mouth marketing, because they reward existing customers for sharing and incentivize new customers to try out your brand. Customers are rewarded with referral incentives, such as free cash, major discounts, or a free month of subscription. While there is ...
It happens more often than you might think and can occur at any stage of the hiring process:The CV is often the first touchpoint between the hiring manager and the candidate. Progressing someone onto the next stage because they went to the same high school as you or rejecting their ...
Democracy, in which the majority rules, can lead to tyranny of the majority if the legal system does not offer protections for persons in the minority. Ancient Greece first recognized majority rule could be oppressive to those in the minority, though broader interests generally prevailed over ...
Separately, in Allen vs Milligan, the lawyers persuaded the US Supreme Court that Alabama’s redrawing of congressional districts violated the Voting Rights Act because black voters would be a majority in only one district out of seven although black residents comprise 27 per cent of Alabama’s ...