LTI approximations of slightly nonlinear systems: Some intriguing examples - Enqvist, Ljung - 2004Martin Enqvist and Lennart Ljung. LTI approximations of slightly nonlinear systems: Some intriguing examples. In Proc. NOLCOS 2004 - IFAC Sympo- sium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, ...
As a result, Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is an extremely powerful LMS integration to consider. This is an industry standard that was designed to connect external apps with learning management systems so LMS users can send and receive data between different learning tools. Put simply, it...
and Debois got together at a conference to discuss initial ideas and principles around what they then referred to as “agile systems administration”. They also formed an agile administrator group on google which is where the real beginnings of DevOps lie. ...
References [Ilak2010] M. Ilak, S. Bagheri, L. Brandt, C. W. Rowley, D. S. Henningson. Model Reduction of the Nonlinear Complex Ginzburg–Landau Equation. 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2012. SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems, 9:4:1284-1302, 2010....
The decrease in displacement on the hanging-walls of such steep buttresses leads to the generation of layer parallel shortening, gentle to tight folds - depending on the amount of contractional displacement, back-folds and back-thrust systems, and short-cut thrust geometries - where the ...
This paper presents results that can be used to validate input-output transient performance for modular control systems. If bounds in the time-domain are specified for inputs of an LTI SISO system, the techniques in this paper can determine the minimum set containing all possible outputs. If ...
The implementation of the INSPIRE Directive (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community) allows access and sharing of geographical data and enables interoperability between systems [9]. Every data integration action into an integrated European Geographical Information System aims to ...
Private networks that solely rely on proof of work do not, however, have the size required and are more vulnerable to attackers. Logistics 2018, 2, 20 3 of 19 Other algorithms include systems like "proof of stake", where the number of relevant holdings of a certain token or coin ...
Human subjects with excessive trabeculated myocardium in the left ventricle, for example, are diagnosed with non-compaction cardiomyopathy, but the extent of trabeculations may be without relation to ejection fraction. Rather than rejecting a relation between form and function, we may ask whether the...
Abstract: A review of the supply systems of non-thermal plasma reactors (NTPR) with dielectric barrier discharge (DBD), atmospheric pressure plasma jets (APPJ) and gliding arc discharge (GAD) was performed. This choice is due to the following reasons: these types of electrical discharges ...