•Good "Prayers of the Faithful" will reflect the church year. For instance, on Easter Sunday the opening call to prayer by the priest will allude to the resurrection and the congregation's response could be "Risen Lord, hear our prayer". •These prayers of intercession will also want t...
was not only written for the church but also based on previously created liturgical text and simple, single-voicedplainchant(also calledGregorian chant). Gregorian chant was a common example of a type of musical texture called monophony. Inmonophony, there is only one line of music or melody ...
An important element in the educational revival over which they presided was the improvement of spelling and punctuation in biblical and liturgical manuscripts. It is in the earliest specimens of the new Carolingian minuscule script, written at Corbie and Aachen about 780–800, that the first ...
Canonical hours, in music, settings of the public prayer service (divine office) of the Roman Catholic Church, divided into Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline. The early monastic communities composed a complete series of hours
the religious official of a synagogue who conducts the liturgical portion of a service and sings or chants the prayers and parts of prayers designed to be performed as solos. an official whose duty is to lead the singing in a cathedral or in a collegiate or parish church; a precentor. ...
disasters). Other processionscharacteristicof certain localities, though not regulated so strictly by the church and considered nonliturgical, play an important part in the religious life of the people. In theUnited States, for example, May processions are sometimes conducted in honor of the ...
but she is also crafted as a person whose mind is drawn to belief. A telling scene has Thérèse feelingdistraughtand suicidal and offering ajadedprayerto God. Moments later she discovers that her Aunt Clara has died, a loss that strikes Thérèse as a sacrifice and an act of mercy by God...