Watch complete video answer for “Give examples of different rabi and kharif crops” of Biology Class 9th. Get FREE solutions to all questions from chapter IMPROVEMENT IN FOOD RESOURCES.
A crop is a plant that is cultivated or grown on a large scale. In general, crops are grown so they can be commercially traded. In other words, a crop is any plant that is grown and harvested extensively for-profit purposes. Two major types of crops grow
KharifHaimanticRabiAus riceAman riceBoro riceThis study has examined the cultural ecology theory of agricultural change on the basis of a 40 year (1950-1990) temporal data set collected from 130 farmstead households living in three villages in Bangladesh. The villages represent xeric, wetland, and...
Example:If a farmer plans to harvest rabi and Kharif crops throughout the year, he will avoid seasonal unemployment once one crop season ends and another begins. Government Action Governments must introduce skill-building workshops to keep the workers engaged in different vocations during off-season...