The most recognizable type of interventionism, military interventionist actions always operate under the threat of violence. However, not all aggressive acts on the part of a government are interventionist in nature. Defensive use of military force within a country’s borders or territorial jurisdictions...
leading to a paradigm shift. McBride notes that globalization led to increasing state market orientation rather than playing the traditional interventionist role. Based on the book, the author argues that the changes resulted from the fragmentation...
Poet and Rake, Lord Byron Was Also an Interventionist With Brains and Savvy|Michael Weiss|February 16, 2014|THE DAILY BEAST Was the president planning to act on the wishes of the radicals of his party andemancipateall the slaves? Lincoln the Primitive Communicator? What He Can Teach Modern Po...
Poet and Rake, Lord Byron Was Also an Interventionist With Brains and Savvy|Michael Weiss|February 16, 2014|THE DAILY BEAST Spartaitself is a very present and powerful idea among Marines. A Troubled Iraq War Vet Returns Home in Roxana Robinson’s ‘Sparta’|Jane Ciabattari|June 3, 2013|THE...
The intellectual foundations of that revival were primarily the work of the Austrian-born British economist Friedrich von Hayek, who argued that interventionist measures aimed at the redistribution of wealth lead inevitably to totalitarianism, and of the American economist Milton Friedman, who rejected ...
of the goals and values of paleoconservatives but prioritized an interventionist foreign policy dedicated to promoting democratic and capitalist forms of government abroad, particularly in the developing world. Notably, neoconservatives were also pro-immigration and generally supportive of some form of ...
At the heart of thediagnosesof the failure of thestateto intervene effectively in the economy lay a deep-seatedcritiqueof a redistributive type of public policy associated with the interventionistwelfare state. Such policies had three principal characteristics. First, they frequently entailed a transfer...
service provision. In an extension of this debate to the European level, it was argued that the governmental capacity of theEuropean Union(EU) was stronglybiasedtoward regulation. As apolitical system, the EU could therefore develop into a regulatory state but not into an interventionistwelfare ...
In an extension of this debate to the European level, it was argued that the governmental capacity of the European Union (EU) was strongly biased toward regulation. As a political system, the EU could therefore develop into a regulatory state but not into an interventionist welfare state. ...