An infinitive can be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Table of Contents Examples of Infinitives as Nouns Examples of Infinitives as Adjectives Examples of Infinitives as Adverbs Bare Infinitives (When Not Preceded by "To") Real-Life Examples of Infinitive Verbs Why the Infinitive ...
In English grammar, aninfinitiveis thebase form of a verbthat can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb. "Infinitive" comes from the Latin wordinfinitusmeaning endless. The infinitive is a type ofverbal, or word derived from a verb that does not function as a verb, that is almost alw...
Infinitive verbs are a type of verb that can be used as the basicformof averb. An infinitive verb is made up of two parts: the word “to” and the base verb. It’s a verb in its purest form, with no tens or person added. In other words, an infinitive is the basic form of a...
When using an infinitive, simply add the word "to" before the verb in order to use it properly. A verb can be either finite or nonfinite. Finite verbs are those which have a subject and a tense. They describe a person or number of items and are conjugated using "-ed" or "-ing"....
Gerund List of Gerunds Uses of the Gerund Exercise Auxiliary Verbs The Infinitive List of Infinitive Verbs Infinitive Types Exercise Interchanges The Adjective What is an Adjective? Adjective of Quality Adjective of Quantity Degrees of Adjective Learning Competency Examples of Clipping1.Bike (motor-...
An infinitive phrase is a verbal construction made up of the particle "to" and the base form of a verb, with or without modifiers, complements, and objects.
Lots of verbs can function as gerunds or infinitives. But what are gerunds and infinitives? Good question, and one that I’m about to break down and explain for you. Gerunds are formed when you add -ing to the verb, while an infinitive has to before the verb’s base form. Both verb...
There is a lot of terminology associated with verbs. Below are explanations of the most common terms. The Infinitive Form The infinitive form of a verb is the version of the verb that appears in the dictionary. In other words, it is the base form of the verb without any changes. So,...
Infinitives are an example of non-finite verbs, which means that it will never be the main verb in a sentence. We also never conjugate infinitives by adding different endings. To be an infinitive, it must remain in its original form. ...
Examples of Infinitive Phrases Basic Functions of Infinitive Phrases Punctuating Infinitive Phrases Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions How do you identify an infinitive phrase? The most important element to identify is the infinitive i.e., 'to' + the simple form of the verb. If the infin...