AttendanceIEP goalsare worth considering. However, I find that many IEP teams are putting the cart before the horse. What I mean is that you’re wasting everyone’s time and putting an unachievable goal on an IEP if the team does not address the underlying issues that are causing the atten...
Assisted with development of IEP's, in areas of Cognitive and Behavior (other than Speech). Actively participated in AAHS Curriculum Committee's production of developmental continuum tool aligned with KECS, COPA. Elementary Teacher Company Name–City ...
It’s also important to note that many of these skills and skill deficits overlap. If you tell your child, “Go to your room and get your backpack; it’s time for school,” there are many reasons they may not do this. It might beworking memory; it might be multi-step directions, t...
• Advised students about academic requirements and selection of courses. • Facilitated small and large group Plan, implement, and evaluated activities weekly Assisted with homework Counsel students on bulling prevention Skills: Admissions Process, Product Knowledge, Personal Goals, Open Enrollment, Faf...