Disaster is the result of natural and human-induced events that community can't be able to overcome by their own facilities and that causes economic and social losses by interrupting or stopping the social life. Nowadays, causes of the transformation of the disasters to catastrophes appear to be...
Secondary succession is often caused by human-induced disturbances, such as deforestation, or urban development. Understanding the process of secondary succession is important in managing landscapes changed by such human activities. References Antoniadou, C., Voultsiadou, E., & Chintiroglou, C.-C....
of the future, where sensor data and citizen reports can be triaged and acted upon in real-time by distributed teams of professionals, this paper offers a comprehensive state-of-the-art review of the overlapping domains of the Sensor Web, citizen sensing and 'human-in-the-loop sensing' in ...
Based on the main driving force of plate motion (the slab pull force generated by the descent of the oceanic plate in subduction zones) and the three primary mechanisms for magma generation (adding fluid, increasing temperature, and decreasing pressure), the continent-continent collisional process ...
In addition, many people are now carrying some form of sensor-laden device - a mobile phone, a tablet, a fitness device - from which sensor readings can also be retrieved. This is sometimes called 'human-in-the-loop sensing', but cars, animals and other moving entities can also ...
Based on the main driving force of plate motion (the slab pull force generated by the descent of the oceanic plate in subduction zones) and the three primary mechanisms for magma generation (adding fluid, increasing temperature, and decreasing pressure), the continent-continent collisional process ...
Alexander Graham Bell was the first inventor who coined the term Decibels (dB) as the unit of measurement of sound. The normal sound a human ear can perceive is generally 1 Decibel (dB). Further, we consider anything over 30 dB as noise pollution. In addition, while if the sound level ...