Becausegreat book coversstart up an instant and visual conversation with readers, telling them: What the book is about How professionally it’s put together Who the book is for What they’ll get out of it The first two points are common to every book, and a good (but not great) book ...
Here’s a great example of employee advocacy from Emma Prunty, DMI’s content editor and podcast producer.It’s a great way to show the human side of your brand and the people who work for you while introducing your brand’s culture and being authentic. 3. Brand advocate content Having...
As we know classics are the (1)a___ of the literary world. They are examples of great writing and(2)w___ and even those written centuries ago can still be found in bookshops and(3)l___ today. One of great classic novels is Great Expectation which was written by Charles Dickens...
P.S. I would also love to tell you all about my literary review blog, where I post weekly book recommendations and thoughts on American writers. Alright, are cover letters even necessary in the era of TikTok, remote work, and online learning? The idea of a cover letter might seem like...
In this article, we’re going to look at Freytag’s Pyramid. I'll share what it is, give examples of how to use it, and share whether it would be helpful to use as you structure the plot of your own stories. We'll also look at how to use Scapple, a great piece ofbook writing...
The Book Thief(1) The Catcher in the Rye(5) The Crucible(4) The Diary of Anne Frank(1) The Glass Castle(2) The Grapes of Wrath(2) The Great Gatsby(21) The Handmaid's Tale(7) The Hate U Give(1) The House on Mango Street(6) ...
In this case, Great American Hikes embeds maps and helpful icons to supplement the writing. 11. Best pop culture blog: mud The mud mag covers pop culture news—as well as interviews with actors and other professionals on the web. The mud magazine has a distinct aesthetic, while favoring ...
In the dedication ofJapan’s Military Masters,Hillis Lory takes time to thank the people who matter the most — his children: Dedicated to two distracting little daughters, Priscilla, four years old, and Nancy, age two, who were no help in writing this book. ...
In Turkey, where the composite (wood plus horn) bow was an instrument of great power, archers competed for distance. At Istanbul’s Okmeydanı (“Arrow Field”), the record was set in 1798 when Selim III’s arrow flew more than 2,900 feet (884 metres). As can be seen in Mughal ...
an imaginary book of knowledge so ferocious that any scientist who dares to read itsuccumbsto madness. On a more personal level, the works ofPhilip K. Dick(often adapted for film) presentmetaphysicalconundrumsabout identity, humanity, and the nature of reality. Perhaps bleakest of all, the En...