Examples of structure formation within one molecule are polypeptides, globular proteins, DNA and collagen. The above represent thermodynamic phase transition phenomena and are amenable to the methods of statistical mechanics; they are not examples of dissipative structures. An interesting aspect of some ...
Step-by-Step Solution:1. Definition of Conjugated Proteins: Conjugated proteins are complex proteins that are formed when a simple protein (also known as a globular protein) binds with a non-protein componen
Inside the cell wall is the cell membrane, which is composed of a phospholipid bilayer with globular proteins. The cytoplasm has a membrane-less nucleus and some ribosomes. The genetic material in bacteria is mostly DNA which is not associated with histone proteins. Extrachromosomal DNA is also ...
Proteins can form complex structures through interactions at binding sites, allowing them to create multi-proteincomplexes with diverse functions. These complexes are stabilized by disulfide bonds and non-covalent interactions. Protein shapes include helices, fibrous structures, and globular forms, which ar...
Valineis an aliphatic, non-polar, non-aromatic, branched chain, glycogenic, essential, and alpha (α-) amino acid that is not synthesized by the human body. It is extremely hydrophobic in nature and generally found inside globular proteins. It helps in the determination of the 3-D structure...
Inside cells, actin exists in two states, the monomeric protein, called G-actin (for globular actin) and the 6 nm filament, called F-actin (for filamentous actin). The factor that determines the relative proportions of F-actin and G-actin is the concentration of actin protein. Each ...
Protein function is dependent on globular structure. Enzymes are proteins. What are several different situations in which an enzyme might lose its specific shape? What is it called, when the enzyme (p What are restriction enzymes and how do they affect the body...
Globular proteins: These proteins, unlike fibrous proteins are soluble in water. They are made up of polypeptides that are coiled about themselves to form oval or spherical molecules e.g. albumin, insulin, and hormones like oxytocin, etc. On the basis of Constitution Simple proteins: These prote...
Class IV bacteriocins are complex types of bacteriocins that require large complexes of proteins with other macromolecules and non-proteinaceous moieties for activity. This class has not been studied much yet at the biochemical level. What are Lantibiotics?
Thermophiles contain special DNA binding proteins that arrange the DNA into globular particles that are more resistant to melting. Also, another factor that is common in all thermophiles is the presence of a unique DNA gyrase enzyme that acts to introduce positive supercoils in DNA, providing consi...