Mention Maths and English for GCSEs (if you’ve achieved them), as they’re considered essential for most jobs. Don’t list other subjects unless they are directly relevant to the job you’re applying for. We’ll use the student CV example of a post-graduate, so you can see how to...
Instead of listing every subject, you can abbreviate. E.g. ‘10 GCSEs including Maths & English’. It’s important to specify Maths and English as these are considered a bare minimum academic achievement by many employers. Again, individual grades aren’t necessary unless the employer specifies...
The introduction of GCSE coursework is the opening paragraph that aims to interpret the central questions and purposes of the entire paper. It should have several elements to be effective. Those are: A hook sentence Background information Problem significance Solid thesis statement Advice from our Ex...
Here, we have free math videos that will help to prepare you for the test (SAT, ACT, GMAT, GRE, Regents, California Standards, GCSE/IGCSE Maths or A-level Maths). The videos also include relevant Practice Test Questions and Answers. ...
Frequently Asked Questions about Lifeguard CVs Q: How do I highlight my communication skills on my Lifeguard CV? A: It's important to use specific examples to showcase your communication skills on your Lifeguard CV. You could mention how you effectively communicated with pool patrons to enforce...
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Mind map of HBR Podcast video looking at ways to effectively establish credibility when you move into a new leadership role. BarneyHughes 09 April 2015 2324 31 1 iThoughts Map GCSE Physics Equations This map covers most of the equations students need to know within the GCSE Physics sylla...
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A story is a set sequence of events, but the same story can yield many different narratives. Imagine if theHarry Potterseries was rewritten from Draco Malfoy’s point of view; it would be a very different narrative, even though the “facts” of the story would remain the same!