We sometimes use shall instead of will, especially for I and we.Contraction with Future ContinuousWhen we use the Future Continuous tense in speaking, we often contract the subject and WILL:I will I'll you will you'll he will she will it will he'll she'll it'll we will we'll they...
Future Continuous Tense Examples: Looking for articles that will help you understand all about future tense and its examples? Do you know what the future continuous tense is? This article will clear all the doubts you have regarding future continuous ten
Future representing words like next week, next month and tomorrow are used in future tense. And where at this time is given then it becomes a case of future continuous tense. For example You will be going for vacation at this time on Monday. Tomorrow at this time, we will be missing he...
We can use the Future Continuous to show that a long, continuous action in the future, which will be interrupted by a shorter action in the future. Examples: I'll be makinglunch when she arrives. She'll be studyingwhen her parents come home. The future continuous tense is used to talk ...
Future Perfect Continuous Tense: This article discusses the meaning, definition, structure, formula, rules and uses along with examples. Also, try out the practice questions to see how far you have understood the topic.
Examples of the Future Progressive Tense"will be" + [present participle] I will be playing for an hour. Will I be spending too much money if I buy the newer model? He will be fighting his way to the boxing championship. Always be nice to those younger than you because they are the ...
With Non continuous Tense To express any duration before something in the future, we use future perfect tense. For example Shewill have beenin America for 2 months. Iwill have beenin that show for 3 hours. Simple present tense after words before and when ...
a. The form of Past Perfect Continuous Tense is- had + been + verb + ing PRESENT TENSE 1) Simple Present Tense- Indicates an action that is generally true or habitual. That is, it took place in the past , continue to take place in the present, and will take place in the future. ...
The future continuous tense ([will be] + [present participle of main verb]) communicates that we expect an action or state to be in progress at a specific time in the future, or that it will begin and then be ongoing: By the time you read this letter, I will be boarding my train....
The future perfect continuoushelps express an action that will have been in progress before a certain point in the future. For example: "I will have been working on this project for two weeks by the end of this month." Future Tense Rules ...