Fungi are further divided into six groups on the basis of the appearance of the spore; Glomeromycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Chytridiomycota, Blastocladiomycota, and Zygomycota. Fungi are essential organisms as most of them are used for the extraction of antimicrobial products for pharmaceutical...
Soil microorganisms are classified into seven different categories; bacteria, fungi, virus, blue-green algae, actinomycetes, protozoa, and nematodes. Each of these groups has different characteristic features and their role in the soil they inhabit. Such microorganisms are found not only in surface so...
The gastrointestinal tract contains several strains of microorganisms in different regions from the mouth to the small intestine to the anus. Under normal circumstances, these colonizing microorganisms are harmless. In fact, they are essential for our health. On the other hand, the bacteria can becom...
What are some examples of microbiomes?Microbiomes:The microbiome is the group of all microbes, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and their genes, that inherently live on and inside an individual's body, such as the gastrointestinal tract. Microbiomes are both useful and potentially destructive....
Fungi belong to their own kingdom. Compared to higher plants and animals, they obtain their nutrition through a range of ways including degradation of organic material and symbiosis (as lichen) among others. As such, they are categorized as heterotrophic because they are unable to synthesize ...
Pathogens are agents of disease. They include:Viruses, which are very small infectious agents that only replicate in living hosts. Bacteria, which are microscopic organisms that are often shaped as rods, spheres, or spirals. Fungi, which are microorganisms that include yeast, mushrooms, and mold....
An organism is a living system that can respond to stimuli, grow, reproduce, and maintain a consistent state, known as homeostasis. They include animals, plants, fungi, and microorganisms. Although some organisms only have one cell or a small number of cells, the large organisms are structured...
Describe the cell wall difference between bacteria, archaea, and fungi. a) List the polysaccharides found in cells or organisms. b) Explain their role in microorganisms. Explain why some proteins are made by nearly all cells. Give two examples. ...
Human microbiome, the array of microorganisms that live on and in humans and, more specifically, the collection of microbial genomes that contribute to the broader genetic portrait, or metagenome, of a human. Learn about the diversity and function of mic
An ectosymbiont is a microorganism that lives symbiotically outside the tissues and cells of its host. Some ectosymbionts live on body surfaces, or they may occupy a body cavity. For example, there are microorganisms that are present in the digestive tract of ruminants that metabolize cellulose...