in turn, are made up of tissues that carry out a particular function. The tissues consist of cells that perform various metabolic activities. There are two major types of cells: somatic cells and sex cells (i.e.sperm cells and
Learn about protists and their unique classification. View images of various protists and discover their diverse structures. Examine their varying...
Ch 14. Types & Effects of Genetic... Ch 15. DNA Technology and Genomics Ch 16. Basic Molecular Biology Laboratory... Ch 17. Geologic Time Scale Ch 18. Evolution Overview Ch 19. Plant Biology Ch 20. Plant Growth and Reproduction Ch 21. Introduction to Fungi Ch 22. Introduction to Invert...
Because energy flow is inefficient, the lowest level of the food chain is almost always the largest in terms of both energy and biomass. That's why it appears at the base of the pyramid; that's the level that's the largest. As you move up each trophic level or each level of the fo...
So, adaptations are going to be long-term, passed down through generations; acclimatization happens within an individual in a short span of time. Now, the thing about evolution is it's not going to lead to perfect adaptations. There's this idea called fitness trade-offs, which is essentially...
Marine biofouling organisms, as previously described by Maréchal and Hellio (2009), can be divided into three categories: (a) microfoulers, i.e., bacteria, diatoms, fungi, and microalgal biofilms, all of which are responsible for a 1–2% augmentation in frictional drag; (b) soft macro...
Heterotroph and autotroph vector illustration. Labeled biological division scheme for plants, bacteria, algae, animals and fungi.VectorMine / Getty Images Heterotrophs differ from autotrophs in that they cannot produce their own food. Heterotrophs require consumption of organic material, rather than inor...
The first is avoiding contamination. Mold or other fungi that you don’t want can infect grow bags and compete with the species you’re trying to grow. If they win and overtake the mycelium, it can ruin a whole batch of mushrooms. ...
Fungi | Definition, Types & Examples9:33 Ch 2.The Disease Process Ch 3.Biology of Bacteria Ch 4.Foodborne Diseases and Bacterial... Ch 5.Sexually Transmitted Bacterial... Ch 6.Blood-borne Bacterial Diseases Ch 7.Bacterial Diseases of the Respiratory... ...
Learn about the life cycles of flowering plants and their flowers. Explore the stages of their development through images and a diagram of a...