Similar to grace periods, a deferment is a period of time in which a borrower is not required to make payments on a loan, usually in cases of financial hardship. Unlike grace periods, deferment is usually not automatic; borrowers typically have to request or apply for a deferment and provide...
Expansions typically occur as the economy is moving out of a recession. To encourage expansion, the central bank—the Federal Reserve in the United States—lowers interest rates and adds money to the financial system by purchasing Treasury bonds in the open market. This replaces bonds held in p...
Hardship and dependency conditions arebased on the financial, emotional, and physical needs of a your immediate family. However, families of servicemembers often experience some financial hardship or psychological strain because of the disruptions of family life associated with normal military duty. 🔵...
The term blacklist refers to a list of people, organizations, or countries that are shunned or excluded by others because they are alleged to have engaged in unacceptable or unethical behavior or activities. A blacklist is considered retaliatory because it's meant to create financial hardship for...
Financial hardship for many, persistent poverty, and a dispirited populace that could be ripe for social and political unrest are just a few of the effects of income inequality. How Can We Fix Income Inequality? To reduce income inequality, governments and private sectors must address its various...
hardship hardshipnoun ADJ.appalling, considerable, dreadful, extreme, genuine, great, immense, real, severe | widespread | undue, unnecessary | economic, financial, material, personal, physical VERB + HARDSHIPcause | bear, endure, experience, face, suffer, survivea close community which makes these...
hardship hardshipnoun ADJ.appalling, considerable, dreadful, extreme, genuine, great, immense, real, severe | widespread | undue, unnecessary | economic, financial, material, personal, physical VERB + HARDSHIPcause | bear, endure, experience, face, suffer, survivea close community which makes these...
financial hardship, parental irresponsibility, neglect, or abuse. While foster care might be considered preferable because it offers theintimateatmosphere of family living, some children, such as those severely affected by parental abuse or emotional disturbance, may adjust more comfortably to the more ...
The way it usually works is that a threat of imposed economic hardship is made by one side, whilst the other agrees through the signing of legal documentation due to fear derived from that threat. The implications of such financial duress include increased financial hardship, or financial duress...
Institutional and foster care are now provided mainly to children whose home lives have been disrupted, permanently or temporarily, by marital discord, financial hardship, parental irresponsibility, neglect, or abuse. While foster care might be considered preferable because it offers the intimate ...