of corn or a peach. No one asks where the potato fields have gone. Likewise the duck farms. No Filipino housekeeper is yelled at for failing to position the fruit forks correctly. No year-round resident is pushed aside at a farmer's market. No one asks anyone else to a small dinner ...
Diacritical marks are used in dozens of other foreign languages, including Afrikaans, Arabic, Hebrew, Filipino, Finnish, Greek, Galician, Irish, Italian, Spanish, and Welsh. These marks can change not only the pronunciation but also the meaning of a word. One example in English is résumé or...
–I also find a spot for my paperbacks Great American Poetry and Macbeth. Paperbacked: (of books) having a flexible binding; bound; paperback. –The young man brought with him a large paperbacked volume which he had taken out of his travelling bag. Paperlike: of or like paper; chartaceou...