None of us knows for sure just what the economy will look like when we emerge from this recession. What we do know is that the automobile market will have changed dramatically. Consumer demand for fuel efficient cars will accelerate, and federal policies will make electric vehicles inevitable. ...
A recent example of expansionary monetary policy was seen in the U.S. in the late 2000s during theGreat Recession. As housing prices began to drop and the economy slowed, the Federal Reserve began cutting its discount rate from 5.25% in June 2007 all the way down to 0%-0.25% by the ...
Monetary policy is the domain of the U.S.Federal Reserve Boardand refers to actions taken to increase or decrease liquidity through the nation's money supply. According to the Federal Reserve Board, these actions are intended to "promote maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term ...
as the national government addressed issues such asfair housing,education,voting rights, mental health, job safety,environmental quality, and the rights of disabled persons. As the federal government created new policies to address these issues
states to govern themselves on some issues, so that thefederal governmentdoes not have complete control. Some American rules are determined by the national government, but other rules are left open for each state to determine for itself, based on what the leaders or citizens of that state ...
A leave of absence, or LOA, is an extended period of time off that an employer grants an employee. It's important to understand federal and state leave of absence laws – as well as your employer’s policies – that relate to your request before you ask your boss for leave. This is ...
Legal disputes are time-consuming and costly. Adherence to company policies and procedures could eventually drain your resources, especially if you are sued. For instance, US publicly traded corporations are expected to adhere to theSarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), a federal law enacted to protect investo...
Holiday pay rates differ based on company policies, local and state regulations. While federal laws do not require holiday pay, some companies offer extra pay to hourly workers on holidays. This extra pay might be “time-and-a-half” or “double-time,” but this varies by location and empl...
Expansionary policy often has the unintended consequence of creating (or increasing) inflation. The Federal Reserve usually has to choose between combatting unemployment and inflation; any policies set forth to battle one usually increases the other. This is because expansionary policy usually means peopl...
No. Many stock exchanges and other professional bodies in the world of finance are structured as SROs. Moreover, SROs also exist outside of finance. Is the SEC an SRO? No, the U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) is a federal regulatory body created by an act of Congress. It ...