Ethical Dilemmas in Business Ethical dilemmas are especially significant in professional life, as they frequently occur in the workplace. Some companies and professional organizations (e.g.,CFA) adhere to their owncodes of conductand ethical standards. Violation of the standards may lead to disciplina...
A prohibition dilemma involves a point of conflict between a prohibition or restriction and a perceived moral or ethical imperative. In these situations, individuals or groups may face a decision where adhering to a prohibition may lead to negative moral consequences or ethical concerns. Here are so...
Ethical Concerns: A medical study might not be able to randomly assign participants to a treatment group for an experimental medication when they are already taking a proven drug. Quasi-experimental designs also come in handy when researchers want to study the effects of naturally occurring events,...
In fact, 72% of employees believe their performance would improve if their managers would provide more corrective feedback. Here are a few phrases to clearly communicate your findings and concerns during an employee’s performance appraisal:
Lead generation is the process of attracting and identifying potential customers for your business. It involves creating interest in your products or services and converting that interest into actionable leads. These leads are potential customers who have shown some level of interest or engagement with...
TheGreen Growth Sustainable Fundis a balanced mutual fund that invests in companies committed to sustainable practices in industries like renewable energy, eco-friendly technology, and ethical manufacturing. This fund has shown an average return of 8% over the last five years and is designed for so...
Found in a slang dictionary as far back as 1859; no one knows where the word originated. Are SPIFFs illegal? Spiffs are not illegal for most sales industries. They may raise ethical concerns if they are not used or administered properly. However, spiffs are only deemed illegal for government...
Ethical concerns are among the most notable challenges of ML and AI adoption. Check out our post onAI ethicsto see what precautious companies can take to ensure responsible and sustainable use of AI systems. What Are the Problems with Machine Learning in Finance?
The goal of authentic leadership is to build trust and commitment over time. Authentic leaders focus on being genuine, self-aware, and leading with integrity. They prioritize openness, transparency, andethical decision-making. They inspire others through their values and actions rather than just usin...
Ethical concerns are among the most notable challenges of ML and AI adoption. Check out our post onAI ethicsto see what precautious companies can take to ensure responsible and sustainable use of AI systems. What Are the Problems with Machine Learning in Finance?