Employee incentive programs can help build motivation and improve performance. Discover how to best use them for your organizations.
Tools range from applications with one main function to those with a full complement of features and integrations with other HR systems used within the organization. When looking for an application to support an employee program, HR and wellness leaders should have specific goals to guide the re...
Disability insurance: Disability insurance replaces income if an employee is unable to work due to illness or injury. Life insurance: In the event of an employee’s death, life insurance helps the beneficiary’s family financially. Wellness programs: This can include gym memberships, on-site fitn...
Employee recognitionis the act of recognizing and celebrating the contributions, accomplishments, and endeavors of employees. It can take many forms, from informal thank-you messages to formal awards programs, but the goal is the same: to help employees feel appreciated and recognized for their valu...
Develop employee wellness programs and policiesImprove the employee experience Learn how more than 90,000 companies across 175 countries are retaining top talent and harnessing the collective power of their people to get ahead. Read the free report ...
Implement at least three new initiatives aimed at improving employee engagement, such as wellness programs, diversity and inclusion initiatives, or mentorship programs, with a participation rate of 70% or higher Reduce employee turnover rate by 10% by identifying and addressing key drivers of turnove...
For example, by leveraging data on the impact of employee wellness programs on absenteeism rates, HR can make informed decisions about continuing, expanding, or modifying these programs to maximize their effectiveness. Highlighting the impact of HR initiatives on organizational performance: Tracking HR ...
Explore workforce analytics, its types, benefits, and how to implement it. Learn benefits and examples to boost productivity and employee engagement.
As of 2024, Chevron has over 45,000 employees worldwide. Despite the size of its workforce, however, the energy corporation still manages to stand out for its organizational culture, which prioritizes employee wellbeing on a personal and professional level. ...
Preferences for incentives to engage in different types of healthy behaviors differed by employees' socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Organizations may consider using survey data on employee preferences for incentives to more effectively engage higher risk populations in well...