Blended learning is the combination of face-to-face learning with online learning. The term has been a buzzword since the start of the pandemic, especially when so many teachers and educators have been experimenting with different instructional practices. But it’s proven to be effective even afte...
In this quasi‐experiment, we investigated whether observing someone else engaging in problem solving can prepare students for instruction, and whether examples that show the problem‐solving‐and ‐failing process are more effective than those that only show the outcome of this process. We also ...
Regardless of grade level, every classroom has students with different needs and ability levels. Differentiated instruction is important for students because it recognizes and supports their diverse learning needs and abilities, which can enhance their engagement, motivation, achievement, and overall well-...
As shown above, effective instruction manuals also speak directly to the individual — not to a faceless “user”. This shift in language and overall tone adds a layer of personableness to the experience that reinforces the brand’s dedication to their audience’s success. Visual Great instructi...
Sports are part of every culture past and present, but each culture has its own definition of sports. The most useful definitions are those that clarify the relationship of sports to play, games, and contests. “Play,” wrote the German theorist Carl Diem, “is purposeless activity, for its...
A well-crafted instruction manual helps users understand proper usage, maintenance, and troubleshooting, which can prevent accidents and extend the product’s lifespan. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of creating an effective instruction manual, explore the key elements of a comprehensive...
These materials can include materials that students bring from school as part of a project, textbooks, homework assignments, and other types of resources. Selection, modification, and effective utilization of the right materials can increase student engagement and learning....
This recent meta-analysislooks at the benefits of “worked examples,” especially in math instruction. It also asks about specific circumstances: Do students benefit from generating “self-explanations” in addition to seeing worked examples?
The purpose of differentiated instruction is to provide instruction that is individualized to each student's needs. It doest not necessarily require a separate instruction for each child. Grouping children based on similar instructional needs is a common and effective method for achieving differentiated ...
This method gets a lot of flack these days for being “boring” or “old-fashioned.” It’s true that you don’t want it to be your only instructional strategy, but short lectures are still very effective learning tools. This type of direct instruction is perfect for imparting specific det...