Examples of Dynamical SystemsMyriad dynamical systems have been studied in numerous disciplines and from multiple perspectives, and an increasingly large number of these systems have also been examined on networks.doi:10.1007/978-3-319-26641-1_3Porter, Mason A.Gleeson, James P....
Cornfeld , I. , and Sinai , Ya. : ‘Basic notions of ergodic theory and examples of dynamical systems’, in Ya. Sinai (ed.): Dynamical Systems II , Vol. 2 of Encycl. Math. Sci. , Springer, 1989, pp. 2–27. (Translated from the Russian.)...
The reviewed monograph is devoted mainly to topological characteristics of dynamical systems (DS) which are useful for solving isomorphism, identity and stability problems in their theory. After an introductory part describing the stability and stability loss (bifurcations) with generic properties, the th...
limit theorem. In the litterature dealing with stochastic properties of quasi-hyperbolic transformations of manifolds one establish most often exponential decay of correlations and central limit theorem. For a few years several examples of dynamical systems were found for which the correlations and the...
In this thesis we develop efficient numerical algorithms in order to analyze the long-term behavior of dynamical systems by transfer operator methods. Three new approaches are represented. First, a discretization via sparse grids is introduced for general systems, aiming to overcome the curse of dime...
of hyperbolicity14,31in dynamical systems. Then we use the Lagrangian betweenness to characterize hidden circulation regimes in realistic geophysical flows, focusing on two paradigmatic oceanic regions: the Adriatic Sea and the Kerguelen area. These two areas are currently the subject of intense ...
However, we also prove that in every aperiodic dynamical system with finite entropy, there exists a generating process and a measurable set B for which the almost sure convergence of the bilateral martingale does not hold. 关键词: Martingales Markov Processes Dynamical Systems 被引量: 1 ...
Three state-space based methods were tested in relation to the ability to detect unidirectional coupling and synchronization of interconnected dynamical systems. The first method, based on measure named M, was introduced by Andrzejak et al. in 2003 [1]. The second one, based on measure L, ...
EXAMPLES OF COARSE EXPANDING CONFORMAL MAPSEXAMPLES OF COARSE EXPANDING CONFORMAL MAPSiterated function systemthurston obstructionconformal dimensionmenger compactaconformal dynamicsIn previous work, a class of noninvertible topological dynamical systems f : X 鈫 X was introduced and studied; we called these...
By the spectrum of a dynamical system we mean the spectrum of a unitary operator or group (semigroup) of unitary operators adjoint to the system on the invariant subset L 0 2 (M, 饾敄, 渭) of functions of zero mean. Two dynamical systems with the same spectrum are said to be ...