The Consequences of Misleading AdvertisingAn advertiser should remember that there is a fine line between creative liberty and false advertising. Crossing that line could incur you hefty fines and lawsuits, such as:Lawsuits which can lead to settlements in millions or even billions in some cases, ...
What is the Juvenile Court System Juvenile Court cases deal with youthful offenders under the age of eighteen. The system is primarily governed by each individual state (as well as the District of Columbia), unless the state receives federal funds that impose certain restrictions. Originall...
Price controls are a form of government-mandated economic intervention. They are intended to make important purchases more affordable for consumers and are also commonly used to help steer theeconomyin a certain direction. For instance, these restrictions may be deemed necessary in order to curbinfla...
Therefore, it’s essential to first determine what kind of source you’re dealing with. In some cases, this isn’t as easy as it sounds. Sources can take the form of a webpage or PDF file, but this is just the medium. When digging deeper, you may find that this webpage is ...
Extradition treaty describes the transfer of an accused person from one state or country to another country seeking the person to stand trial. When an extradition treaty comes into effect, an extradition warrant is issued to arrest the fugitive and transport them to the country demanding them. Tre...
Court cases have not ruled that software cannot be patented. Although the specifics of how to patent software are still murky, software patents are granted frequently. Making a Software Patent What to Put in Your Software Patent Application Flowcharts that show each step of the software process....
State laws can, however, come into play in some cases, particularly in determining which of the debtor's assets are "exempt"—meaning that the debtor is allowed to keep them.4 There are 94 federal judicial districts throughout the United States, and each district has a bankruptcy court.5Fed...
Thisresumeexample highlights the candidate's expertise in managing cases and developing appropriate action plans for patients struggling with substance abuse issues. The bullet points also emphasize the social worker's ability to adapt to the individual cultural needs of clients, allowing them to build...
The court of last resort is the highest court in the judicial system and can apply both to the United States Supreme Court for matters of federal law as well as a state Supreme Court for matters of state law. It makes a final decision on cases that have been appealed in previous courts...
In many cases, ICOs are security offerings and need to be registered. However, they may not need to register under certain circumstances. Rule 504 of Regulation D does allow companies to offer and sell up to$10 million in securities in a 12-month periodif they have filed Form D after fir...