100 Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech in English, 100 Examples of reported speech in english; 1DirectShe says, “I am ill.” IndirectShe says that she is ill. 2DirectI will study”, Mary said. IndirectI will study”, said Mary. ...
Read about direct and indirect speech. Find the differences between direct and reported speech, learn to convert direct to an indirect statement,...
Indirect speech, a person's exact words are placed inquotation marksand set off with a comma and areporting clauseorsignal phrase, such as "said" or "asked." In fiction writing, using direct speech can display the emotion of an important scene in vivid detail through the words themselves a...
Change the indirect speech into direct speech according tothe examples.仿照例句将下列间接引语改为直接引语。1. She said she couldn't remember my telephone number.She said, “I can't remember your telephone number. "2. He said he might know my father.3. My teacher said I would have to ...
1Change the indirect speech into direct speech according tothe examples.仿照例句将下列间接引语改为直接引语。1. He said that he liked it.He said, “I like it. "2. She said that she was listening to the radio.3. She said that he had told her about it.4. He said that she had been...
–“Say” use with direct and indirect speech –The most common use of the word say is in “reported speech” E.g.Shesaidthat it was my last chance. –“Say” is most often used without a personal object E.g.Shesaidthat she would be late. (notShe said me…) ...
This direct quotation from Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech is inscribed on the granite wall at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C. Steve Cicero/Getty Images Adirect quotationis a report of the exact words of an author or speaker and is placed insidequotation ma...
Direct Speech Examples Reporting Clause Before the Reported Speech Gina says, “I think I lost my wallet.” Marlon asks, “Really? Where did you last put it?” Gina answers, “Here, inside my bag.” Gina exclaims, “Oh, wait, here it is!” ...
She is the apple of my eye. The Sun is a creature of habit. 3. Simile These phrases are somewhat similar to metaphors but are more direct than implied in their meaning. In similes, the indirectly implied meaning is replaced with the words “as” or “like.” These words are used to ...
Types of genitives include possessive, specifying, classifying, partitive, and adverbial genitives. Learn more about genitives Definitions, Examples, and Exercises of Reported Speech Differences between direct speech and indirect speech, with exercises. Learn more about reported speech Definitions, Exam...